Wednesday, 25 July 2012


My first home will for ever be the one of my childhood. Maybe it's better say it in Italian: Casa. But, at the same time, I know that there are many homes for us all, hidden in the world, and you only have to start your discovery.
Moving to Nederland, I had prepared myself to adapt in every acceptable corner. Instead I was infinitely lucky: I've found a place that feels like home more than what I can imagine ― and, above all, something feels like home in the creatures that live here too.
These creatures are three: Itchy and Eek are the furry ones, Natalja is the one that cures the guitar.

Did you want to know why Natalja was blowing bubbles? *

Welcome Outside!

 * Natalja was blowing bubbles for our little shortmovie to partecipate to D.E. S.I.C.A., a fuckin' cool video contest organized by Cremonapalloza, in which you had to create a story in only 24 hours. Here you can watch all the videos of this last edition (do it!). In the end we were out of the competition 'cause we were a bit in delay. Our shortmovie was really simple and perhaps too much conceptual, but it was however a magic experience for us and we are however happy of our little treasure. The title is the same of the theme of the competition: Spazi comunicanti.

PS. Grazie fatina! :3


ribbon. said...

porco il cazzo eta
ti odio

mi fai essere scurrile

tiramelo il piano
lo voglio io

Eta said...


Elisa Cristantielli said...

meravigliosa...esistono luoghi cosi etosi possibile?? Ed è altrettato possibile che forza di cose li trovi sempre??
...oppure sei tu che li rendi cosi?

non lo so, ma mentre guardavo queste foto mi è tornata nelle orecchie questa melodia...


Eta said...

Quel brano ci sta bene, sì.

Quanto ai luoghi, noi siamo già sparsi nel mondo, appunto, basta solo saperlo e trovarci.

Ci sono senz'altro tanti luoghi pieni di te che ancora devi scoprire, bambina mia.
