Tuesday 26 June 2012

Gli ultimi lividi

I've started to record my bruises six years ago.
My main reason was aesthetic, because I really like the soft or deep confused green or purple or blue in which lose my eyes just traveling on my skin. But there was also something in my attitude, for sure. And there's not anymore.

It's a little bit strange stop this long "project"; I've ever thought that could be very interesting see all my complete collection when I'll be a old woman, somewhere...
But I can't continue to do something without believe in it.

Now, I'm elsewhere...


Anonymous said...

Ti lascio solo un sorriso.
Quante sono le cose che ci raccontano di certi cambiamenti...

Calzino said...

Mi mancheranno.

Eta said...

@ Dorotea

@ Calzino
Mo mi fai venire i dubbi al mio cuore tenero, mannaggia a tte!

Eta said...

No, però no, valgono quelle due ultime due righe che ho scritto.
Mi perdoni?