Wednesday 4 September 2013

He Who Travels Far

Once upon a time a little eccentric, evil child, angry with anything and anybody, decided he was made to travel far.

Mongolia is the land he dreamt to reach more than any other since he learnt to read.

Today that child has grown, became unexpectedly good and after months  warming up himself and learning the Asian culture, to don't look like a rude ignorant man from Europe or America, today, after Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, now that grown child is at his last stop before the goal…

Today that child has grown, he's in Beijing and his heart gets faster each time he thinks about that: in six days, that grown child will be in Mongolia.

Hanggai is a band which lets whisper Mongolia in their magical art.
Some members of Hanggai are from Beijing, where the band is based; the leader and some other members are from Mongolia.

We Who Travels Far is their second album.

If I'm not mistaken, maybe you didn't neither really notify that title, when you were electrified by it for the first time, a long time ago, when you were still living in your beloved Utrecht and I was still in Italy. At least, I know I did notify it for sure.

The past 19th of May, around two months after your departure, when Hanggai came to Utrecht, I was floating around the stage to portrait them,

wishing to be blown by your same wind.

Vai maluco! :)


Nukkuva Puna-Kettu said...

Oh caro Pesce! Ma lo sai che mi piacciono tantissimo, ma dato che mi trovo in Italia non sapevo proprio a chi dirlo? Hai ascoltato " Xiger Xiger" ? ...è come ritrovarsi a galoppare con il vento tra i capelli! ;))

Eta said...

Oh sì!!! Volpe, mi stai massacrando di intensità!