Friday, 27 February 2015

I want Sydrojé back. (But meanwhile we got 'em on streaming!)

That's back in 2009. This album, Duende. The music you can play here below in this post. Their birth is some year before, 2005. It's since then that I bring around on my servers their files, since I've been so lucky to even witness the origin of many of their songs, but it was a long time I was waiting for this day: their production online, better, on streaming, easier to catch for me and much, much easier to share. Now everyone can listen to them:

(And already they were on facebook.)

That's how I started to make stuff to please the eyes while others were pleasing the ears, by the way; they are my longer collaboration and, technically, it never stopped. Lately they are not doing much as band, but they never closed the project. And, actually, as historical fan as well, I fuckin' wish they'll do something again.

However, there are other interesting reasons behind all this. After the high school, their front-man, Stefano Scrima, started to study and to live in other places and especially when he left for Spain he couldn't anymore work much inside a band. So he started his way as singer writer. That's a name you may remember also from some more recent post: he's LinFante (here on fb), who's now more active then ever and with whom I enjoy collaborating as well.

Ok, enough of this recap. I hope you can enjoy the music, you'll find more on their links. That's only one album. If I had a little more energies I was bothering you also talking about the title, but my eyelids beg some sweet darkness. So consider asking your browser, about that.

Enjoy Duende, this old good work coming back to rock your blood.
And see you soon with much fresher babies.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

The Grand Tour by Victor Lorandi

Ladies and Gentlemen, it's my great pleasure to bring to you The Grand Tour, the first publishing from The Red Universe, by Victor Lorandi! Here's the ebook on Smashwords.

There's some actual risk of coming to you with physical copies, so, folks, keep a sharp eye on it, if you're appealed!
And, if you like it, pass this on!

Working at its cover has been a serious challenge and, I must admit, I'm very happy with this result.

This fall, back in Utrecht after a summer spent busking and backpacking in Italy for my project Felice, my colours and my lines went through an overwhelming revolution. I've been shocked by the physically largely different "phenomenons" happening around my hands. I had to follow them first and see what was happening. Only lately I'm learning how to balance the novelty with my previous style: when to use what, in terms of tools, styles, and method.
I consider this illustration an interesting finish line of this process.
Furthermore, it made me relate to the vast and historical sci-fi graphic tradition, which is quite far from my ways, either in subjects and styles. I'm looking forward to challenge my sign even more, really "drawing anything" but keeping my touch.

Victor has been über cool during all this process, as I could expect from our first very passionate conversation drinking some pubs and talking for hours about the creative process. He uses a (key) word that effectively helped me a lot in this so fascinating and so complicated understanding of our dynamics.
But I'm not telling this word.
I wish you'll check out by yourselves how he knows how to use words, indeed. 
(Words, and much more. I'd love to tell what I felt reading The Grand Tour, but, well, at least I put my best in telling it visually.)

Enjoy your ride into the Red.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Space Pirate ( Vendeta )

If you're around in Bolivia or Chile these months, watch out for this gallant foe traveling the world: that's not easy to spend much time with him, so make sure you are not wasting it being sad for his early departure, because you're already being very lucky * and because even the smaller life drops that you can take from a minuscule moment with him can inspire you for life. If you touch his freedom, you'll learn that you can only wish him to be free – and you'll learn you're free as well.

This post is my vengeance after he partly shaved his gorgeous curls (that you can see below).
He doesn't like many attentions of this kind on him, so I'm sure all this will work out as a terribly, infinitely, evil, horrible, unbearable, tremendous vendetta.
(I love that, bwhahahahaha!)

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Spider Eyes

La cosa più importante che vorrei dire insieme a questo disegno è:


Integral version with über-sweet-lovely-note

Monday, 9 February 2015

"E così te ne stai al computer" | Castrobloghina

Here on the bottom, there is a drawing I had done about 2010. Sometimes I find these little orphans between my pictures. I offered it as present to Franco Sardo (here's his site Castrobloghina). He decided to use it along with a poetry. And I think that my drawing is happy with that.
E così te ne stai al computer

E così te ne stai al computer
Per delle ore che scompaiono
Come il petrolio di una torcia accesa
In una caverna a guardare le ombre
Senza un amore preciso
Ma un vago sostanziale impeto perenne
Ed è il suo nome che ti morde le labbra
Come un oceano le sue rive

Intanto un fiume dentro ti scorre
Come i tubi di riscaldamento di casa
Disseta il più antico lago azzurro
Sepolto sotto i ghiacci dell'Antartide
Lì si agitano i batteri dell'inconscio
Proliferano le alghe unicellulari della memoria
galleggia la sua immagine fiammeggiante 

Non più verso il Sole mano nella mano
Ma ognuno sopra il suo video mammuth
In un'eterna cavalcata evoluzionistica solitaria
Né i suoi occhi a sciogliere la teca da museo
Dell'esibizione di agghiacciante singolarità
Né la mia bocca si appoggia più delicata
A suonare il caldo disco della sua pelle

Tutto scorre e scintilla breve
Nel mio nido destoricizzante. 

In ascolto di cosa, 2010

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Close up of an organic Viking

Portrait of Victor Lorandi, made warming up my hands for his Red Universe.