Friday 16 January 2015

My Bea Delight I

2015 is starting with two huge gifts I couldn't really expect, 'cause in the years they managed to be hard: meeting Bea B. and meeting Bea B.

They are two different Bea, they were both my schoolmates, they both tend to disappear in their own world, which for one has been Singapore and then Scotland and for the other has been Venice but above all then her art and her passions. Furthermore, of course, in 2012 I left Italy as well, so I also became harder to reach (or way easier, it depends…).

The years passed by and after the school we met one or two times, not for very long – but never doubting of our friendships, although also our virtual communications have been rather little.

Both of my Bea have reasons to be in this part of Europe this January, though – and it has and it is hard to believe that I'm going to finally have chances to meet them!

This week I met "the first" Bea, and I had my first Bea Delight and I could trip again into her very genuine and trustful heart.

Now I'm looking forward to meet "the second" Bea.
Last time I did I also had to scream it loud, it was 2009 and I had written this post.
Meanwhile, check out her beautiful art… Ptičkart!!!

Ciao, cara BeiBei!
Grazie ancora – e buon ritorno ad Aberdeen…

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